As I was pounding away some miles on the boring treadmill, I was thinking. I don’t know about you, but it feels like the fitness world is becoming more and more divided. I get that in life we have different talents and passions. But I feel like there is a war waging and it is getting intense out there. It is a war against weight lifting verses cardio junkies. I feel like these two worlds are growing farther and farther apart. I have a lot of visions, hopes and dreams. One of my aspirations is to merge these two divided groups. I have done a little self-research and I think that it is so interesting the feelings between these two groups. I was talking to some body builders and they pretty much talked about cardio like it was a disease and how they didn’t want anything to do with it. They often expressed their feelings as though people were just wasting their time on those cardio machines. As I talked to some people who only believe in cardio, who said they can go a whole year without ...