Supplements.... Supplements... Where to begin! The fitness industry can be a very messy, intimidating and contain a lot of misleading information. Supplements are a huge money maker for companies because everyone is looking for that "magical pill" to make them fit into those high school jeans. If you know me, I am a very naturalist person but I also do take supplements. I love to find very natural supplements and limit my caffeine intake. **Disclosure- I am not paid to represent any of these products. They are all just products that I like and recommend to everyone in the fitness world. My schedule: Wake up at 4:30 AM- Take my pre-workout from WM Nutrition & L-Carnitine from Ideal Fit During my workout- sip on Ideal Fit's BCAAs & WM nutrition Hydrenengery After my workout- IdealFit Protein Powder At breakfast- Glucosamine and daily multi-vitamin Here are what they look like and links to where you can buy them: Pre workout- WM Nutrition WM Nutrit...